Beyond the Roadmap
Musings about product, tech, innovation, and strategy
Think Deeply to Move Quickly
It is tempting for product leaders (or anyone, for that matter) to believe constant action and fast-paced decision-making will ensure success. There is pressure to make decisions, launch products, and achieve results. However, sometimes, to be fast means you need to go slow - by making time for deep thinking.
Even though it may seem counterintuitive, taking time to think deeply and to reflect is just as critical as taking quick action. Deep thinking can help you make better decisions and move faster in the long run. Yes, making that time that can be difficult to do in a world full of distractions and competing demands on our time. But you must.
One of the primary benefits of deep thinking is that it helps to clarify the problem you are trying to solve. When we take the time to think critically about a problem, we can gain a deeper understanding of its complexities and nuances. This understanding is essential to identify the root cause of the problem and develop an effective solution. By taking time for deep thinking, we can ensure that we are solving the right problems and not simply addressing symptoms or taking action in a reactive mode.
Deep thinking allows us to consider multiple perspectives and alternatives. Rather than jumping to the first solution that comes to mind, we can explore various data and options, weighing the pros and cons of each, which helps to ensure that we make informed, well-thought-out decisions that are in the best interests of the product, its users, and all stakeholders.
Deep thinking also provides an opportunity to reflect on past experiences and lessons learned to gain insights into what worked well and what didn't. How could outcomes improve by doing things differently this time? This will help you to make better future decisions and avoid repeating the same mistakes.
So, how can product leaders apply the concept of deep thinking? First, set aside regular dedicated time for deep thinking. Treat it like any scheduled meeting or activity. It could be a weekly or monthly brainstorming session, a quiet walk in nature, or simply taking a break from the computer and grabbing a notebook to jot down ideas. It is also crucial to create an environment conducive to deep thinking, free from distractions and interruptions.
You might not feel you have the time, but embrace the counterintuitive and take the time to think deeply today. It will help drive the right decisions, ensure you set the right course and save you time in the long run. Consider the alternative. If you don't believe you have the time to do things right the first time. What makes you think you have the time to do it over - assuming you even get the opportunity?
Originally published on Medium.